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Philosophy and Vision

Rye was built to solve my problems. Here is what was on my mind when I built it:

  • Virtualenvs: while I personally do not like virtualenvs that much, they are so widespread and have reasonable tooling support, so I chose this over __pypackages__.

  • No Default Dependencies: the virtualenvs when they come up are completely void of dependencies. Not even pip or setuptools are installed into it. Rye manages the virtualenv from outside the virtualenv.

  • No Core Non Standard Stuff: Rye (with the exception of it's own tool section in the pyproject.toml) uses standardized keys. That means it uses regular requirements as you would expect. It also does not use a custom lock file format and uses uv and pip-tools behind the scenes.

  • No Pip: Rye uses pip, but it does not expose it. It manages dependencies in pyproject.toml only.

  • No System Python: I can't deal with any more linux distribution weird Python installations or whatever mess there is on macOS. I used to build my own Pythons that are the same everywhere, now I use indygreg's Python builds. Rye will automatically download and manage Python builds from there. No compiling, no divergence.

  • Project Local Shims: Rye maintains a python shim that auto discovers the current pyproject.toml and automatically operates below it. Just add the shims to your shell and you can run python and it will automatically always operate in the right project.

What Could Be?

There are a few shortcomings in the Python packaging world, largely as a result of lack of standardization. Here is what this project ran into over the years:

  • No Python Binary Distributions: CPython builds from are completely inadequate. On some platforms you only get an .msi installer, on some you literally only get tarballs. The various Python distributions that became popular over the years are diverging greatly and cause all kinds of nonsense downstream. This is why this Project uses the indygreg standalone builds. I hope that with time someone will start distributing well maintained and reliable Python builds to replace the mess we are dealing with today.

  • No Dev Dependencies: Rye currently needs a custom section in the pyproject.toml to represent dev dependencies. There is no standard in the ecosystem for this. It really should be added.

  • No Local Dependency Overlays: There is no standard for how to represent local dependencies. Rust for this purpose has something like { path = "../foo" } which allows both remote and local references to co-exist and it rewrites them on publish.

  • No Exposed Pip: pip is intentionally not exposed. If you were to install something into the virtualenv, it disappears next time you sync. If you symlink rye to ~/.rye/shims/pip you can get access to pip without installing it into the virtualenv. There be dragons.

  • No Workspace Spec: for monorepos and things of that nature, the Python ecosystem would need a definition of workspaces. Today that does not exist which forces every tool to come up with it's own solutions to this problem.

  • No Basic Script Section: There should be a standard in pyproject.toml to represent scripts like rye does in

The Vision

This describes of what I envision Python packaging and project management could look like in an ideal world:

The Rust Experience

Coming from a Rust environment there are two tools which work together: rustup and cargo. The first one of those is used to ensure that you have the correct Rust toolchain on your machine. Rust greatly prefers binary distributions of the language from the official website over external distributions.

cargo is the main entry point to development in Rust. It acts as the tool to trigger test runs, start the build process, shell out to the documentation building tool, linters but also things such as workspace management, dependency management and package publishing.

Crucially a very important aspect of the Rust development experience is the strong commitment to semver and the built-in support for it. This goes very deep. The resolver for instance will deduplicate matching dependencies throughout the graph. This means that if four libraries depend on [email protected], they will all resolve to that dependency. However if another need arises for [email protected], then it's possible for the dependency graph to result in both being loaded!

The ecosystem greatly depends on this. For instance when a new major release is made of a very core library, in some cases extra care is taken to unify the now incompatible versions by re-exporting core types from the newer to the older version. Thus it's for instance possible for [email protected] to depend on [email protected] internally so it can make the transition easier.

Additionally Rust heavily leverages lockfiles. Whenever you compile, the dependencies are locked in place and future builds reuse the same dependency versions unless you update.

Most importantly though the Rust ecosystem has embraced rustup and cargo that the vast majority of people are using these tools on a daily basis. Even developers who pick other tools like buck, are still using cargo regularly.

Going Python

Rye wants to explore if such an experience is possible with Python. I believe it can! There is quite a lot of the ecosystem that can be leveraged for this purpose but there is even more that would need to be built.

Important note: when you read "rye" in the context of the document it talks about what a potential tool like rye could be. It might as well be that one of the many tools that exist today, turn into that very tool that is described here.

My sentiment is that unless "the one tool" can emerge in the Python world, the introduction of yet another tool might be a net-negative to the ecosystem. Plenty of tools have been created over the years, and unfortunately it hasn't been able to rally the majority of the Python community behind any tool. I do however believe it is possible.

Bootstrapping Python

I believe the right approach is that >95% of users get a Python distribution via rye and not to have rye pick up a system installed Python distribution. There are good reasons for using a system Python installation, but it should be the exception not the rule. Most importantly because a Python distribution that rye puts in place can be made to have reliable and simple rules that do not differ between systems.

A huge cause of confusion and user frustration currently comes from Linux distribution specific patches on top of Python that break tools and change behavior, particularly in the python packaging ecosystem.

Bootstrapping Python via an independent tool has other benefits as well. It for instance allows much easier cross-python version testing via tox or CI.

What needs to be done:

  • Provide widely available Python builds, with largely standardized structure retrievable from the internet. PEP 711 is a step in that direction.

A Stronger Resolver

Today there are a ton of different resolvers in the Python ecosystem. Pip has two, poetry has one, pdm has one, different independent Python and Rust resolvers exist on top of that. Resolvers are important, but unfortunately, there are both too many and too many issues with the existing ones. Here is what I believe a resolver needs to be able to accomplish:

  • Allow resolving across markers: most resolvers in the Python ecosystem today can only resolve for the current interpreter and platform (eg: pip, pip-tools). This means it cannot create a resolution that is equally valid for a different platform. In part this is a problem because of how environment markers in Python are defined. They allow a level of expressiveness that cannot be reflected by most tools, however a subset could be supported.

  • Multi-version resolution support: this is a bit foreshadowing, but I believe for a variety of reasons it needs to be possible for a resolver to not unify all requirements to a single version, but to support multiple independent resolutions across major versions of libraries. A future resolver should be able to permit package==2.0 and package==1.1 to both be resolved for different parts of the tree.

  • Resolver API: access to the resolver is important. For editor plugins, or custom tools it's always necessary to be able to resolve packages. For instance if you want something as trivial as "add latest supported version of 'flask' to my pyproject.toml" you need to be able to work with the resolver.

  • Filters: I strongly believe that a good resolver also needs a filter on top. For instance it must be possible for a developer to restrict the resolver to stay within the bounds of the target Python version and to never upgrade into a tree containing Python versions that are too new. Likewise for supply chain safety a resolver should be able to restrict itself to a set of vetted dependencies.

What needs to be done:

  • Create a reusable resolver that can be used by multiple tools in the ecosystem.
  • Make the resolver work with the proposed metadata cache
  • Expose the resolver as API for multiple tools to use.
  • Add a policy layer into the resolver that can be used to filter down the dependencies before use.

Metadata Caches

Because of the rather simplistic nature of Python packages and package indexes a resolver will always be restricted by the metadata that it can reliably pull. This is particularly bad if the system needs to fall back to sdist uploads which in the worst case requires executing python code to determine the dependencies, and those dependencies might not even match on different platforms.

However this is a solvable problem with sufficient caching, and with the right design for the cache, this cache could be shared. It might even be quite interesting for PyPI to serve up "fake" metadata records for popular sdist only packages to help resolvers. This might go a long way in improving the quality of the developer experience.

What needs to be done:

  • Local metadata caches are added for the resolver to use
  • PyPI gains the ability to serve dependency meta data


It's unclear if a standard can emerge for lock files given the different requirements, but a Python packaging solution needs to have support for these. There are a lot of different approaches to lockfiles today (poetry and pdm for instance have them) but it's not entirely clear to me that the way they are handled today is sufficiently pragmatic to enable a tool that is based on lockfiles to get majority adoption.

The reason in part relates the suboptimal situation with resolvers (eg: large projects can take ten minutes or longer to dependency check in poetry), on the other hand however also because of the reality of how dependencies are currently declared. For instance certain libraries will "over" depend on third party libraries, even if they are not needed for a developer. These pulled in dependencies however will still influence the resolver.

Most importantly a good lockfile also covers platforms other than the current developer's machine. This means that if a project supports Windows and Linux, the lockfile should be handling either dependency trees. This is what cargo accomplishes today, but cargo has a a much simpler problem to solve here because it has perfect access to package metadata which resolvers in Python do not have today. What is also problematic in Python is that certain parts of the dependency tree can be version dependent. In Rust a library A either depends on library B or it does not, but it does not depend on it conditional to a Python version.

The total expressiveness of Python dependencies is challenging. The lack of good metadata access for the resolver combined with the ability to make dependencies optional conditional to the Python version is tricky by itself. The complexity however is compounded by the fact that the resolver needs to come to a solution that can only result in a single resolved version per package.

What needs to be done:

  • Experiment with a restricted lock format that satisfies a subset of what markers provide today, that strikes a good balance.
  • Provide lockfile support as part of the resolver library.

Upper Bounds & Multi Versioning

Resolving Python dependencies is particularly challenging because a single solution must be found per package. A reason this works at all in the Python ecosystem is that most libraries do not set upper bounds. This means that they will be eagerly accepting future libraries even at the cost of not supporting them. That's largely possible because Python is a dynamic language and a lot of flexibility is usually possible here. However with increased utilization of type information in the Python world, and maybe with stronger desires for proper locking, it might be quite likely that upper version bounds become more common.

Once that happens however, the Python ecosystem will quite quickly run into blocking future upgrades until the entire dependency graph has moved up which creates a lot of friction. Other ecosystems have solved this problem by strictly enforcing semver semantics onto packages and by permitting multiple semver incompatible libraries to be loaded simultaneously. While usually a library is only allowed to permit on a single version of a dependency, that dependency can exist in different versions throughout the dependency tree.

In Python there is a perceived worry that this cannot be accomplished because of how site-packages, PYTHONPATH and sys.modules works. However I believe these to be solvable issues. On the one hand because .pth files can be used to completely change how the import system works, secondly because the importlib.metadata API is strong enough these days to allow a package to resolve it's own metadata. The combination of the two can be used to "redirect" imports in sys.modules and import statements to ensure that if a library imports a dependency of itself, it ends up with the right version.

What needs to be done:

  • Add a new metadata key to pyproject.toml that declares that a package supports multi-versioning
  • Enforce semver semantics on multi-version dependencies
  • Provide an import hook that provides multi-version imports as part of Rye
  • Relax the resolver to permit multiple solutions for multi-version dependencies

Workspaces and Local / Multi Path References

With growing development teams one of the most frustrating experiences is the inability to break up a monolithic Python module into smaller modules without having to constantly publish minor versions to a package index. The way the Rust ecosystem deals with this issue is two-fold: on the one hand Rust supports workspaces natively. Workspaces share dependencies and the resolver results. The equivalent in Python would be that a workspace shares a virtualenv across all of the projects within in. The second way in which Rust solves this problem is to permit a dependency to both support declaration of the package name, index but also local reference.

While also Rust does not permit a crate to be published to a package index with references to packages outside of the index, a separate rewrite step kicks in ahead of publish to clean out invalid dependency references. If no valid reference remains, the package will not publish.

What needs to be done:

  • requirement declarations need to be expanded to support defining the name of the index where they can be found, and optional local path references.

Every Project in a Virtualenv

While virtualenv is not my favorite tool, it's the closest we have to a standard. I proposed that there is always one path for a virtualenv .venv and when Rye manages it, users should not interact with it manually. It's at that point rye's responsibility to manage it, and it shall manage it as if it was a throw-away, always re-creatable scratch-pad for dependencies.

Preferably over time the structure of virtualenvs aligns between different Python versions (eg: Windows vs Linux) and the deeply nested lib/py-ver/site-packages structure is flattened out.

What needs to be done:

  • Agree on a name for where managed virtualenvs are placed (eg: .venv in the workspace root)

Dev and Tool Dependencies

Another topic that is currently unresolved across tools in the ecosystem is how to work with dependencies that are not used in production. For instance it's quite common that a certain dependency really only matters on the developer's machine. Today pdm and some other tools have custom sections in the pyproject.toml file to mark development dependencies, but there is no agreement across tools on it.

What needs to be done:

There needs to be an agreed upon standard for all tools. See this discussion

Opinionated Defaults

Python against PEP-8's wishes just has too many ways in which things can be laid out. There should be a much stronger push towards encouraging common standards:

What needs to be done:

  • Rye shall ship with the one true formatter
  • Rye shall ship with the one true linter
  • Rye shall always create a preferred folder structure for new projects
  • Rye shall loudly warn if package-foo does not provide a package_foo module

Existing Tools

Some of the existing tools in the ecosystem are close, and there is a good chance that some of these might be able to combine forces to create that one-true tool. I hope that there is enough shared interest, that we don't end up with three tools that all try to be Rye.